Building Rapport with Patients in unfamiliar Settings – Carmen J. Baldwin NDTR

Carmen J. Baldwin interest in becoming a Nutritionist, Diet Technician Registered (NDTR) was sparked when she saw Diet Technicians hard at work at a Women’s Infant and Children (WIC) Clinic. Baldwin has an undeniable talent to build rapport in unfamiliar settings and simplify complicated nutrition messaging. She enhanced this talent by getting a degree in Health Communications. Her skills landed her a job working as a NDTR for an insurance company and a spot on the Board Advisor for the Milwaukee Area Technically College Dietetics Technicians.

She, like many NDTR’s worth spotlighting, is an active member in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Listen and be inspired by Carmen’s Career story.

Building Rapport with Patients in unfamiliar Settings – Carmen J. Baldwin NDTR NDTR Spotlight